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Find healing at Full Circle in SW Calgary.
"My Aging Mind"
Karen Barker
My Aging Mind" is Karen's passion project which gives you an experience that improves memory. The four one hour classes will take you on a journey of finding your voice, confidence and clarity in communication.
Full Circle would like to invite you to join Karen for all four classes on Monday evenings, for an interactive series of sessions that explore how you can improve your memory.
Karen is a professional actress, registered massage therapist, visceral therapist, and reiki master who will share the benefits of having a Sonnet in your pocket, a method that improves memory through playfulness of text, breath work and gentle movement.
Karen loves to help transform physical, emotional or mental adversity into opportunities of freedom, joy and beauty. She will guide you to inspire health in your human spirt.
The sessions will be held at the clinic from 6:30 - 7:30pm on Monday, Feb 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th.
The classes are a presented as gift to you from Karen,
but a donation towards this project would be graciously accepted.
(value of $200.00 for the four class session offered outside of the clinic)
Please RSVP today as spaces are limited.
Call the office at 587-352-9199, email us,
or text us at our new number 587-327-3628.